Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Follow the twitter updates. new craft: journal/planner

I moved the twitter updates to the top of the page, because they're important. I won't be using this blog anymore and this way you'll still be able to use this blog to follow the updates on the new website.
new website: rehgularcrafts.weebly.com

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New location!

I'm sorry, but we're moving again. I know it's annoying to come to this, but the new website is SO much better. Everything is more organized and easier to follow. :]

Or, just click this. http://rehgularcrafts.weebly.com/

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Seeds

My boyfriend and I are making these tonight with the pumpkin seeds from the pumpkins we carved before Halloween. There won't be any pictures, but I'm sure I'll do this again and post pictures then.

Preheat your oven to 300 degrees. (Fahrenheit, cause I'm an american girl)
Rinse your pumpkin seeds. You want to get as much of the pumpkin gunk off as possible because it's not going to do you any good when you're baking the seeds. Pat them dry on a paper towel.
Place them on a cookie sheet. (We lined ours with aluminum foil to make cleanup easier) Try to place them as flat as you can so they bake more evenly. Bake for 30 minutes.
After the 30 minutes, pull your pumpkin seeds out of the oven and place them in a mixing bowl. In a small bowl, melt a tablespoon of butter and add one tablespoon of cinnamon, one tablespoon of sugar, and one tablespoon of light brown sugar (you can use regular brown sugar, we just happen to use light for everything).
Stir the ingredients until they're nicely mixed and pour evenly over the seeds. Toss (or stir like I did and then toss it like you would a salad) to spread the cinnamon mixture over all of the seeds.
Place the seeds on the baking sheet again and try to flatten them as much as possible. You still don't want them to be too piled up.
In another small mixing bowl, mix one TEAspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of sugar, and one teaspoon of light brown sugar. Sprinkle this mixture over the pumpkin seeds. I think this will help keep the flavor because sugar always tends to fall off things.
Bake for another 20 minutes.
TADA! Now, enjoy the deliciousness. :]

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Post Scheduling

I have decided that I'm not going to go by a schedule of posting at least every two weeks. Because of the season, I'm going to be having a lot more crafts and recipes up soon. I would rather let you see them than hold on to them and tell you to wait until I'm ready to post them. I think that's just silly. So there may be some slow times when I have a lot of homework or during the summer when all of the craft ideas are up to me, but there will be a surplus in the winter. Good? Good.

Creepy Hair Clips: NOT COMPLETE

This is incomplete as of right now. I just need to add the finished product pictures and some tips, but it all makes sense as is. 

Apply the bobby pin to the super glue/hot glue and let it set! :D

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Coming soon!

Remember how I was going to be so proud of myself for posting a craft every two weeks? Well, I'm already behind and considering the fact that this next craft is for my boyfriend, I won't be able to finish it until Friday night at the earliest. It will actually probably go up Friday or Saturday. I'm missing one piece of the craft and I haven't found the time to get it yet because it's more craft-store-specific.
I'm missing one piece necessary for the end of the craft (which I can't even get until Friday), and I can't take pictures or work on it while my boyfriend is around. The nice thing about this? You get two crafts closer together! I will keep on the normal two week schedule, so the next one will be a week after this instead of two. Isn't that fun? Then I have to really crack down on either baking or craft making.

Anywho, this post will be gone when the next craft is up. Check back on Saturday. :]

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Handmade Twist Knot Ring

This is a handmade ring with a twist on top. When I made this the first time, I couldn't get the wire to behave for me, so I ended up cutting the amount I wanted, bending it in half, and then twisting it. This made it more pliable and sturdy. I think when I make this again I'll twist the wire.
I'll be reposting with better pictures when I make this again. :D

Before you start anything, you need your supplies. I used sterling silver wire (available at almost any craft store), wire cutters, and needle nose pliers (also at craft stores).
The reason there's so little wire there is because I had already made two rings and a toe ring. The wire was about five dollars and makes at least two rings.

The first step: The tutorial I got this from recommended wrapping the wire twice around a tube of chapstick. When I did this, the wire would loosen up as soon as I let go. I wrapped it around my finger, cut it, twisted the edge so it was stuck at my finger's size, and then put it around of tube of lipstick to round it out.
If you want just a simple wire with a knot on top, wrap around your finger twice.
If you want a twisted wire with a knot on top, wrap around your finger three times. Straighten the wire back out and bend it in half. Grab the bent half with the pliers to hold it tight, then twist the loose ends.

Wrap around the wire your finger and twist the loose ends like you're going to tie a twistie tie for a bag of bread.

Pull the ring off and begin twisting the loose ends. Wrap them around in a spiral. Try to tuck the ends underneath the knot so they don't stick out and poke or scratch you. Tighten the knot with the pliers.

You can put the ring back over the chapstick to round it out again.

This is your end result!

The twisted wire ring. See how the knot ends up looking like a rose?

These are the matching ring and toe ring. These do not have the twisted band.

I got this tutorial from: here